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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Both candidates turned in uninspiring performances in last night's debate.
▪ The restaurant's dessert selection was somewhat uninspiring.
▪ Thul was an uninspiring speaker.
▪ But Charlton scarcely deserved to win an uninspiring game.
▪ Labour, vilified as likely to spoil the Tory prosperity, remained a weak and uninspiring political force.
▪ No-one deserved to win this uninspiring game!
▪ Ostertag has an emotional and historical attachment to this generally uninspiring grape.
▪ Safety First, the uninspiring motto of his 1929 election campaign, represented his policy in political and economic matters.
▪ She'd been moved from the uninspiring cupboard allocated to her by Stephanie on her arrival.
▪ The men are their usual uninspiring selves.
▪ This was the wrong way to come to Rome, in such uninspiring company.

a. Not inspiring


adj. depressing to the spirit; "a villa of uninspiring design" [ant: inspiring]

Usage examples of "uninspiring".

It is a feeble, characterless, uninspiring sort of stuff, and almost as undrinkable as if it had been made in an American hotel.

Curia Hostilia had been uninspiring within: the tiers had been blocks of unrendered tufa, the walls drably painted with a few red curliques and lines on a beige background, the curule dais more tufa stone, and the central space between the two banks of tiers tessellated in black and white marble so old it had long lost polish or majesty.

The old Curia Hostilia had been uninspiring within: the tiers had been blocks of unrendered tufa, the walls drably painted with a few red curliques and lines on a beige background, the curule dais more tufa stone, and the central space between the two banks of tiers tessellated in black and white marble so old it had long lost polish or majesty.

Curia Hostilia had been uninspiring within: the tiers had been blocks of unrendered tufa, the walls drably painted with a few red curliques and lines on a beige background, the curule dais more tufa stone, and the central space between the two banks of tiers tessellated in black and white marble so old it had long lost polish or majesty.

Now Lia discovered that there were many compensations in being the darling of a rich man twice her age, and as time went on she grew very fond of her uninspiring second husband.

These had a very uninspiring appearance of having been bought by the yard and never taken from their shelves.

Promotion all the way off this out-of-the-way, isolated, uninspiring world.

They were peckish again, the simple supper long since bolted and regarded in retrospect as a very late afternoon snack composed of uninspiring elements not of their own choosing-tuna wiggle, cucumber slices in vinegar, and brownies, a Becky effort.

They made a dark camp in the airboat, squabbled endlessly over how to divide up the sunstones already found, and had an uninspiring dinner of Ex tee-Three.

He murmured polite answers to Jeremy, swallowed uninspiring mouthfuls of the synth cheese sandwich and washed it down with fruit drink, but his mind was on the three of them back in the mess hall entry, Chad, Connor, and Sue.

The furniture had been pushed back against striped cream wallpaper to give the fat man clear space for manoeuvre: furniture which consisted of an uninspiring three piece suite swathed in pink chintz, a gate-legged table, a standard lamp with parchment coloured shade, and a display cabinet displaying absolutely nothing.

The earth heaved up a flat, uninspiring plain in the distance: Kossovo Polje, the Field of Black Birds.

Birds flittered about in the upper boughs, uninspiring dun-coloured bat-analogues with long, powerful forelimbs for tunnelling into the ground.

Just this long, drooping, uninspiring, unstuffed, unpromising old chile with the brown chupango sauce is the best.