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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A nuclear accident would make the whole region uninhabitable.
▪ Twenty of the houses damaged by the storm were declared uninhabitable.
▪ A simple piece of historical reflection will show that industrialization rendered many localities virtually uninhabitable as long as two hundred years ago.
▪ A total of 500 council houses have been declared uninhabitable and it will cost £2m to deal with them.
▪ All over Bosnia, dwellings are burnt out, uninhabitable, or simply not there any more.
▪ Already previously damaged, the deaf centre was now made totally uninhabitable.
▪ Britain ended the war with 475,000 houses either destroyed, or so badly damaged that they were made permanently uninhabitable.
▪ But fiery activism or evasive quiescence are the poles of choice and the poles are notoriously uninhabitable.
▪ It came to nothing, the police moved in, evicted the squatters, and the Bell/Genesis Hall was rendered uninhabitable.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from un- (1) "not" + inhabitable.


a. Not inhabitable; not able to be inhabited.


adj. not fit for habitation

Usage examples of "uninhabitable".

The fast-thinking Matrioshka brains, informational Dyson spheres, are as incomprehensible to their merely posthuman ancestors as an ICBM is to an amoeba -- and about as uninhabitable.

The Chief Judge, whose ostensible duty it was to restrain prosecutorial abuse, was a block away, across Federal Square, in the grand old courthouse to which the District Court judges all returned once the new building proved nearly uninhabitable.

If the Martians can reach Venus, there is no reason to suppose that the thing is impossible for men, and when the slow cooling of the sun makes this earth uninhabitable, as at last it must do, it may be that the thread of life that has begun here will have streamed out and caught our sister planet within its toils.

The area outside the oval, at the extreme edges of the map, was filled with a chaos of symbolic little lines marked here and there with the terse comment: UNINHABITABLE.

He was momentarily surprised to see tobacco among the stimulants but imagined there must be a demand from some of the refugees who had flooded the city to get away from the depredations of the roving gangs of outlaws in unpoliced areas, and from the hordes of enhanced animals that were rapidly turning the countryside into an uninhabitable wilderness.

Chapter Twenty-five, Airyana Vaejo, the mythical paradise and former homeland of the Avestic Aryans of Iran, seems to have been rendered uninhabitable by the sudden onset of glaciation.

Only a 193 last-minute memo from John Wood, pointing out that the dosage required to kill the African bees would also kill a third of the human population and render huge areas uninhabitable for years to come, prevented the activation of this plan.

Jeraddo was a fiery red, looking about as uninhabitable as a ball of flame, when Keogh was sure that it was supposed to be Class-M.

The core of the hoax is the Core explosion: the lie that our galaxy is a Seyfert galaxy, that in twenty thousand years the wave of radiation will make all of known space uninhabitable, and most of the galaxy too.

Timodea ansible, apparently involved in the dispute over ownership of some uninhabitable but mineral-rich minor worlds.

We carried tents and groundsheets and sleeping-bags and saucepans and food and axes and everything else one needs in the interior of an unmapped, uninhabitable and inhospitable country.

It had been burned during the last foray of the headhunters, and was now uninhabitable.

The smoke from the fireplace was also driven back through the opening, filling the passages and rendering them uninhabitable.

Nightmare Theater had been an early attempt to shock schizophrenics back into the objective world by rendering the phantasy world into which they were withdrawing uninhabitable.

They were bound to each other, and to countless uninhabitable worlds, because the Black Gate let starships through into a region where space was twisted like a string, tied into knots so that far became near and time was caught up in the loop.