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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Marie's performance in the last exam was unimpressive.
▪ The best the team could come up with was an unimpressive 1-1 tie.
▪ When you think how much has been spent on research, the results are sadly unimpressive.
▪ After all, you never want to begin a piece with a boring or unimpressive point.
▪ Are the unimpressive crowd totals merely a reflection of the teams' win-loss records?
▪ Despite a large amount of research into automatic speech recognition the results have been unimpressive.
▪ She had found it in the dray horses and in Barney, who was a singularly unimpressive animal except for his listening skills.
▪ The exterior of Linköping Cathedral is unimpressive.
▪ This led them to replicate policies and strategies that were either outmoded or unworkable, and to achieve predictably unimpressive results.

a. lacking the ability to impress, inability to produce an impression.


adj. not capable of impressing [ant: impressive]

Usage examples of "unimpressive".

Sign listened intently with a stethoscope placed on the unimpressive dark chest of the body of the Anarch Thomas Peak.

The Marches got no splendor for the two prices they paid, and their approach to their hotel on Unter den Linden was as unimpressive as the ignoble avenue itself.

The unimpressive mud-brick community sat by a shallow, silty river on the edge of the desert.

Though their defense of Bataan would have been unimpressive, without food, water, gasoline, or ammunition.

As an example of an extraplanetary vessel it was remarkably unimpressive.

I watched the countdown, and the totally unimpressive lighting of the plasma torch at the rear of the long, lumpy, completely unlovely congregate of landers, orbiters, propulsion modules, reactors, solar panels.

An unimpressive package of pulpy flesh and suspicion but possessing a sharp mind, Challis had been a successful merchant and trafficker in all manner of goods, both raw and manufactured.

Andrea flat in the snow now and with the icy rims of the binoculars clamped hard against his eyes, had no difficulty at all in making an immediate identification: Sergeant Baer, moon-faced, rotund and about seventy and overweight for his unimpressive height, had unmistakable physical presence which only the mentally incapacitated could easily forget.

The inventory consisted of a house valued at $180,000 with a mortgage of half that, a car, an unimpressive list of furniture and furnishings, a certificate of deposit at a local bank in the amount of $32,000, and a stock and bond portfolio valued at $202,000.

He was an unimpressive man: the first time Shef had seen him, it had been in a Völund-vision, and there Shef had been the lame but mighty smith of the gods, Farman no more than a mouse-shape peeping up from the wainscoting.

When Master Hedrick appeared, he turned out to be an unimpressive little man, rather thin, with scanty grey hair and a quick bird-like manner.

The inter-house cricket cup at Wrykyn had originally been a rather tarnished and unimpressive vessel, whose only merit consisted in the fact that it was of silver.

The Japanese had started in that market at an even lower status than Volkswagen, with small, ugly cars that were not all that well made and contained unimpressive safety features, but that were superior to American designs in one way: they were fuel-efficient.

With different makeups and a change in hair styles, and with her not unimpressive acting ability, she could be two different ages and temperaments before a camera, in the same session.

To the left could be seen the unimpressive figure of Major Midgeholme, trying to preserve his white flannels from the excited advances of the Ultimas, who were barking and jumping at him.