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adv. Done in a unimaginative manner; not creatively.

  1. adv. in a matter-of-fact manner; "I applied my attention prosaically to my routine" [syn: prosaically]

  2. without imagination; "the stage sets were designed rather unimaginatively" [ant: imaginatively]

Usage examples of "unimaginatively".

Onions, big, broad, blunt and Lancashireon his feet glad-handing Crawleyan austere, upper-crust copper with the throttled vowels of the Edwardian age, hair almost a coiffure, a pencil-line moustache written on his top lipand Nailer, like every Special Branch copper Troy had ever met, unimaginatively neat, but unimaginatively plain.

One such city, though now smothered in jungle, still shows a sky-reaching pyramid and a turreted palace and numerous temples, but it is unimaginatively called Palemke, the Maya word for any trivial "holy place.

The traveler rather unimaginatively called it just "the red-painted-flower tree," but his description of it intrigued the Revered Speaker.

The story made good copy and stayed in Bay Area papers for several days, not so much because of the police investigation, which was unimaginatively thorough, as because Crof Grant’s widow threatened to sue the League for Archaic Pleasures for thirtyfive million dollars.