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adv. To an extent or in a way that cannot be, or could not have been, imagined


adv. to an unimaginable extent [syn: unthinkably]

Usage examples of "unimaginably".

Agido tilted her head back to watch their dizzying descent as she had done as a child in Iphigeneia, unimaginably far to the east, so far away that her homeland was little more than a fairy-tale to the people of Norvena Parva, and the color of her hair and eyes marked her as a foreigner, almost a monster.

It occurred to him that if a star collapsed to the sort of densities found in the core of atoms, the result would be an unimaginably compacted core.

In my postadolescent, always horny, immature, unabashedly romantic heart of hearts, I hoped that she would speak, that when I turned I would find her there in the trailer doorway, breathtakingly backlit, that she would say-softly, softly-something unimaginably seductive, and that I would take her to bed for a night of unrestrained passion.

They must unite batdom with their historical enemy against an unimaginably evil foe.

Muddy yellow-brown pebbles scattered against the crates of unimaginably precious air-recirculation valves.

There was the gray street of towers, towers looming unimaginably far above him, defying geometric axiom by touching the tips of their parallel towers so that the desired sight of the sun was denied him.

The consummate skill of the creator made Ivainson stumble in awe, for Anskiere had laid down unimaginably potent defences with the intricate geometry of snow-lakes.

What I envisioned -- and I had to envision it because Secret Service agents usually weren't needed during dinner -- was the president and the prime minister, and maybe the secretary of state, and several other tedious eminences of the highest order, dressed in black tie as they discussed some urgent world matters while holding unimaginably expensive and lovely glasses filled with an enormously costly wine as they ate animal by-products that had come from cans.

Halsey had lived and died a unimaginably long time ago, back when the ship then bearing the already proud name of Enterprise had been the first of three aircraft carriers that, in series, had belonged to the old United States Navy.

It seemed strange, defying all intuitive reason, to know the domain inside the tube was unimaginably more vast than the constrained realm of metaphors surrounding it.

Over this unimaginably (for humans) long time, each of the two lineages that branched from that remote ancestor has preserved 305 out of the 306 characters (on average: it could be that one lineage has preserved all 306 of them and the other has preserved 304).

Even if its maker had been aware of it, there was no way to build into a machine of cogs and gears as gross as this one the slow, the vast fall of the Cosmos backward through the Zodiac, the so-called precession of the equinoxes--that unimaginably stately grand tour which would take some twenty thousand years longer, until once again the spring equinox coincided with the first degrees of Aries: where conventional astrology for convenience's sake assumes it always to be, and where Hawksquill had found it fixed in her Cosmo-Opticon when she had first aquired the thing.