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a. Supporting or advocating unilateralism n. A supporter of unilateralism.

  1. adj. tracing descent from either the paternal or the maternal line only [syn: unilateral]

  2. n. an advocate of unilateralism

Usage examples of "unilateralist".

Moreover, in response to their own sentiments but also to appeal to the American people, they made things worse by packaging imperialism as American nationalism, thereby adopting a number of gratuitously unilateralist measures and approaches.

United States could not get the United Nations on board for these new measures would be seen as a demonstration that international opinion now supported the lifting of all sanctions, allowing Iraq to paint the United States as isolated and unilateralist.

Inevitably, even though the alliance was not unilateralist, the primary target of the disarmers was the Conservative Party, just as their primary ally became the Labour Party.