Crossword clues for unifies
vb. (en-third-person singularunify)
Usage examples of "unifies".
We do not yet have a complete consistent theory that unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics, but we do know a number of the features it should have.
The main difficulty in finding a theory that unifies gravity with the other forces is that general relativity is a “classical” theory.
Since the theory unifies the laws of the large and of the small, laws that govern physics out to the farthest reaches of the cosmos and down to the smallest speck of matter, there are many avenues by which one can approach the subject.
Here is a theory that resolves the central dilemma confronting contemporary physics—the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity—and that unifies our understanding of all of nature's fundamental material constituents and forces.
The plate and what's on it, through the predatory power of the intestinal apparatus, commands attention and unifies the spirit, first hypnotizing it, then slowly swallowing it, then masticating it, then absorbing it.