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adv. In an unhurried manner.


adv. without haste; "she proceeded unhurriedly" [ant: hurriedly]

Usage examples of "unhurriedly".

The guard got up unhurriedly out of his chair, stretched with his arms over his head, put on his hat, and with one more glance in the direction of the stagethe play seemed, after all, not such a big attractionwalked leisurely out of the auditorium.

He was as good as his word and Alethea jeered silently at herself for the panic she had been in until she had seen him coming unhurriedly out of the hospital again.

Heath row was choked with people, but Jake made his way unhurriedly through the crowds, conjured up a porter, took Annis through Customs and then into the enormous reception hall.

Once down, he flicked the safety over to autofire and walked unhurriedly to the waiting men, chopper cradled comfortingly against him.

Bartok rose from his oversize chair and moved unhurriedly round his quarters, a large, bearlike man with slow, deliberate movements.

Two middle-aged women who looked more like charladies than nurses moved unhurriedly along the rows of cots, checking the catheters and IVs, emptying and filling where necessary, but otherwise paying the children no attention.

And so he and Flynn were perfectly placed to see the grenade come arcing out of the defenders and tumble almost unhurriedly through the air toward Young Jack.

She went unhurriedly, casting an eye here and there as she passed, to make sure that everything was just so, and came to a halt by Staff Nurse Bris tow, waiting with her bundle of charts under one arm while one of the student nurses hovered with a trolley, equipped with all the odds and ends which might be required on the round.

At which time, unhurriedly but at once and almost absent-mindedly, the alien nestling which they had returned to his proper world was tapped of what he had learned of his people and dropped, after cherishing, since he was of no further interest to their purposes.

He moved slowly and unhurriedly, conceding neither to haste nor urgency, masterful in his dignity.

She had been watching him, but the moment Craig looked directly at her, she lifted her chin in a gesture of mild disdain, held his eye for just long enough and then r turned her head unhurriedly to the man who stood beside her, listening intently to what he was saying and then showing white teeth in a small controlled laugh.

Then Jud Wilson unhurriedly swung one of the barriers back across the track, and waving a stick in one hand and a hunting whip in the other, began to walk around to drive the horse in front of him along into the corner.

Then Jud Wilson unhurriedly swung one of the barriers back across the track, and waving a stick in one hand and a hunting whip in the other, began to walk round to drive the horse in front of him along into the corner.

I stood still a moment, while, flustered, they tried to call up something lecherously witty to say, then, unhurriedly, I laced the shirt again.

Branson and Van Effen descended unhurriedly from the opposite front seats, walked into the garage: Yonnie, unobserved by those inside, exited via the back door and began to clamp the new number plate on top of the old.