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vb. (en-third-person singular of: unhook)

Usage examples of "unhooks".

The camshaft flies around the factory until a man unhooks it, attaches it to the engine block, growing eccentric now with fan blades, pipes, and spark plugs.

At that signal, without a word, she unhooks her bra and removes it, turning away from me and facing the couch as she works the leotard off her shoulders, then to her waist.

Annemarie unhooks Janet's bra while her arms are up and her dress over her head.

Checking for stewards, Karl unhooks the door and he pushes out, worming his way under his jacket.

He pulls off his spectacles -- always a laborious task with Ike, who unhooks first one shank and then the other, frowns that great flat face as if his ears were coming off with them -- and then looks at me without expression, tapping the spectacles on the blotter.