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a. Not helmeted; not wearing a helmet.

Usage examples of "unhelmeted".

Even unhelmeted, Boba Fett had a gaze that was as cold and exterminating as anything that had looked out from the black, narrow visor.

Some few armored and armed noblemen and gentlemen backed and flanked him, but no one weapon was uncased and most sat unhelmeted, which was reassuring to the approaching party.

My people wonder why I never appear among them unhelmeted or without armor.

At last I struggle free and I lurch around on my knees, unhelmeted, squawking in terror for my parents.

Keefer rose, brushing himself with trembling hands, his unhelmeted hair hanging in his eyes.

Lady Marna ran back to her former ward and grabbed up a large piece of loose stone, which she brought crashing down on the unhelmeted skull of the second man.

His always bare and unhelmeted head said to all the men of Beulah, I love and honour and trust you.

New Eden to bid farewell to the Martian workers and to spend an Earth-day walking on seemingly solid ground, lifting their unhelmeted faces to the sky, breathing in the air that was all around them.

Colonel Democriphon, recognizable by his unhelmeted head and flowing blond hair, was riding through the farm battery as if on parade.

Carline to one side, allowing another to start his climb upward Lady Mama ran back to her former ward and grabbed up a large piece of loose stone, which she brought crashing down on the unhelmeted skull of the second man.

It would be the abnormal, like an unhelmeted head, that would draw comment and attention and questions.