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adv. In an unhealthy manner.

Usage examples of "unhealthily".

I said it all sounded unhealthily commercial to me, because I thought that was what Spicer would want me to say, but Spicer said in for a penny, in for a pound--I ought to make as much capital out of the baby as possible, and I could always go into labor in the middle of a chat show and so command maximum media attention.

But the drinking water had been foul and the diet of salt meat and bread unhealthily monotonous, and all the convicts had been violently ill with the type of sickness that was called sometimes hospital fever and sometimes jail fever.

He was red-haired, grossly fat, and his unhealthily pale face was almost featureless.

Next morning he felt better than he had for what he was sure was an unhealthily long time.

Her red eyes, which looked buried in her unhealthily puffy face, kept blinking dejectedly.

His avoidance had gone from being the pure gesture of the objective observer, to the unhealthily vicarious role of the voyeur.

Nevertheless, we feel some doubt about this experiment, for we have since observed with sprucefirs growing rather unhealthily, that the lateral shoots near the summit sometimes become highly inclined, whilst the leading shoot remains apparently sound.

Greasy black hair hung down onto an unhealthily pale face dominated by hairy warts, including one on a bulbous nose above thick slack lips that appeared on the edge of drooling.

And that made it just about as opposite as it could get from the traditional values of his people, which made wealth a symbol for selfishness, and had caused a friend of his to deliberately stop winning rodeo competitions because he was getting unhealthily famous and therefore out of harmony.

The Gaijin seem unhealthily obsessed with such illogical belief systems.

Nevertheless, we feel some doubt about this experiment, for we have since observed with sprucefirs growing rather unhealthily, that the lateral shoots near the summit sometimes become highly inclined, whilst the leading shoot remains apparently sound.

The Camillus family banked with a grinning Bithynian who had invested unhealthily in excess body fat.