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a. Not healthy; detrimental to health.

  1. adj. not sanitary or healthful; "unsanitary open sewers"; "grim and unsanitary conditions" [syn: unsanitary, insanitary] [ant: sanitary]

  2. detrimental to good health; "unhealthful air pollution"; "unhealthful conditions in old apartments with peeling lead-based paint" [ant: healthful]

  3. detrimental to health [syn: insalubrious, unhealthy]

Usage examples of "unhealthful".

Work furnishes activity of this kind and serves also as a safeguard against the unhealthful and immoral habits contracted so often from idleness.

But one day, One of those July days when winds have fled One knows not whither, I, most sick in mind With thoughts that shall be nameless, yet, no doubt, Wrong, or at least unhealthful, since though dark With gloom, and touched with discontent, they had No adequate excuse, nor cause, nor end, I, with these thoughts, and on this summer day, Entered the accustomed haunt, and found for once No medicinal virtue.

Both were only middling tall, but wide in the shoulders, with chests so massive as to look unhealthful, like goiters.

The Egyptian moved his seat from so unblessed or so unhealthful a vicinity as the witch spoke.

Now, surrounded by his so-called soldiers at every turn, and even forbidden to smoke by an uncharacteristically solicitous Fearchar, who claimed her habit was dangerous and unhealthful, she was beginning to realize he would never come around and that it was she, in fact, who was being humored.

The fumes of the inhibitor were rather unhealthful, which was why the men were masked.

To be bound hand and foot either by unsalable real estate or by sentiment is an uncomfortable condition for the young family who may find itself in uncongenial surroundings, in an unhealthful situation, or who may need to retrench temporarily.

His face, always thin and pale, had a pinched, unhealthful look that worried her.

Dreary tasks, all of them--tasks devoid of interest, of personal sense of usefulness, tasks simply to keep degrading soul in degenerating body, tasks performed in filthy factories, in foul-smelling workrooms and shops, in unhealthful surroundings.