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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unharness \Un*har"ness\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + harness.]

  1. To strip of harness; to loose from harness or gear; as, to unharness horses or oxen.

  2. To disarm; to divest of armor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., "divest of armor," from un- (2) "opposite of" + harness (v.). Similar formation in Dutch ontharnassen "to disarm." Meaning "to free (a horse) from harness" is recorded from 1610s. Related: Unharnessed; unharnessing.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) to remove the harness from a horse etc. 2 (context transitive by extension English) to liberate


v. remove the harness from; "unharness a horse" [ant: harness]

Usage examples of "unharness".

The air was marbled with different colors: with glore and high gloze and the lava of ruby running off the warm bodies of the dogs as Soli unharnessed them.

They unharnessed the power of good old free enterprise by invoking the undergirding capitalistic principle of private property.

The onagers being unharnessed, were thence led to their stable, and Pencroft before going to sleep gave vent to his feelings in a deep sigh of satisfaction that awoke all the echoes of Granite House.

Gayly dressed voyageurs and trappers, singing old river songs that had been handed down to them from their fathers, unharnessed the dogs and dragged the cariole into town.

Jake and Castile unharnessed their mules and let them crop the stunted grass that grew around the Epheses walls.

So Edge got down from the rockaway and went to unharness Thunder from the cage wagon.

A dozen blue coated gunners were clustered about a six-pounder cannon, evidently the gun that would be rammed against the city gate, while just beyond them was a battery of four twelve-pounder cannon drawn by elephants and, as Sharpe and McCandless urged their horses towards Wallace, the four mahouts halted their elephants and the gunners hurried to unharness the four guns.

We drove all our sledges well up, unharnessed the dogs, and let them go.

But just after nightfall they got in, and he was content to leave unharnessing the horses and baiting them to Simon, Mrs.

He drove Pansy around to the stablesridiculous thing, room for twenty horses and five or six carriages in the carriage housedriving her into the cobblestone courtyard in the center of the carriage house to unharness her, getting her to back up into the gig's bay so he wouldn't have to push it into shelter by hand.

He drove Pansy around to the stablesridiculous thing, room for twenty horses and five or six carriages in the carriage house driving her into the cobblestone courtyard in the center of the carriage house to unharness her, getting her to back up into the gig's bay so he wouldn't have to push it into shelter by hand.

The two dogcarts that had brought water, food, and lumber had been unloaded and the two-bearhound team of one had been unharnessed and ranged about watchfully.

Though the breed was first considered intractable, and indeed some consideration was given to their destruction, as too dangerous to be left unharnessed, during the reign of Elizabeth I new methods of harnessing were developed which secured the general domestication of the breed, and they were instrumental in the destruction of the Armada.

While he gingerly unharnessed the horses and tied them where they could drink and graze, Glyneth built a fire, hung the iron pot from its tripod .

Glyphs of unharnessed lightning began to take shape along the blunt bow of Khyron's leviathanlike cruiser, leaping pole to pole across what could almost have been a full-lipped mouth, crowned and underscored with twin-muzzled spiked cannons like tusks on its armored hull.