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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unhand \Un*hand"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + hand.] To loose from the hand; to let go.

Hold off! unhand me, gray beard loon! Eftsoons his hand dropped he.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, "to release from one's grasp," from un- (2) "opposite of" + hand (v.).


vb. To release from the hand; to let go.


v. remove the hand from

Usage examples of "unhand".

Luciano attempted to minimize the embarrassment of ordering a guest to unhand the wine by lowering his voice to an almost inaudible whisper, but the expression on his face betrayed his anger at Fiammas presumption that she could plunder the wine cellar at will.

Slowly his grip relaxed, and his hand grew limp and slack while my own tightened ever upon it, until he was forced in a surly, muttering voice to request that I should unhand him.

My gallant group unhanded and untongued, but the couple was in climax.

The boys told them of the unhanded carrier pigeon brought down by the hawk.

I asked my talisman what this box might be— and it told me that die thing was capable of unhanding the talismans from their owners.

I said, unhanding her, as though my grip upon her might have been an inadvertence.