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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ungracious \Un*gra"cious\, a.

  1. Not gracious; showing no grace or kindness; being without good will; unfeeling.

  2. Having no grace; graceless; wicked. [Obs.]

  3. Not well received; offensive; unpleasing; unacceptable; not favored.

    Anything of grace toward the Irish rebels was as ungracious at Oxford as at London.
    --Clarendon. [1913 Webster] -- Un*gra"cious*ly, adv. -- Un*gra"cious*ness, n.


n. The state or condition of being ungracious.


n. an offensive lack of good manners [ant: graciousness]

Usage examples of "ungraciousness".

No man was ever more adverse to the seeming ungraciousness of analyzing the quality of a gift.

Despite all his ungraciousness, it seemed to me that he was a man of intelligence and could understand a great deal, though he had little interest in extraneous things.

John Abernethy, not a little surprised by the ungraciousness of his reception.