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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ungenerous \Un*gen"er*ous\, a. Not generous; illiberal; ignoble; unkind; dishonorable.

The victor never will impose on Cato Ungenerous terms.


a. Not generous; stingy.

  1. adj. lacking in magnanimity; "it seems ungenerous to end this review of a splendid work of scholarship on a critical note"- Times Litt. Sup.; "a meanspirited man unwilling to forgive" [syn: meanspirited] [ant: generous]

  2. not generous; "she practices economy without being stingy"; "an ungenerous response to the appeal for funds" [syn: stingy] [ant: generous]

  3. selfishly unwilling to share with others [syn: stingy]

  4. lacking in largess; "an ungenerous response to an appeal for funds"

Usage examples of "ungenerous".

Nations thus tempted to interfere are not always able to resist the counsels of seeming expediency and ungenerous ambition, although measures adopted under such influences seldom fail to be unfortunate and injurious to those adopting them.

I told it with an ungenerous view of alarming you into a compliance with my late proposal.

These effusions of impotent rage against a dead emperor, whom the senate had flattered when alive with the most abject servility, betrayed a just but ungenerous spirit of revenge.

Canning to the premiership, he received from the duke an uncompromising, bitter, and ungenerous opposition.

Arlbery appeared to her indelicate, unkind, and ungenerous, and regretting she had ever seen, and repenting she had ever known her, she sunk upon a chair in a passionate burst of tears.

After sitting through so many party debates, so much transparent self-seeking, and so much ungenerous opposition as I cannot help seeing in Parliament, how refreshing to see, among such men as I have met to-day, the pure, genuine public spirit which Jane first showed me the example of in the midst of her hardest trials.

We pride ourselves on the bigness of our own things, but we are not ungenerous, and when we go to Europe and find things bigger than ours, we are magnanimously happy in them.

For the most part, so little happens to us townies, it seems ungenerous not to share a good tale.

Very many--too many--British soldiers have known by experience what it is to fall into the hands of the enemy, and it must be confessed that on the whole they have been dealt with in no ungenerous spirit, while the British treatment of the Boers has been unexampled in all military history for its generosity and humanity.

Shadith grinned and rode on, trampling the bracken and the spindly saplings clinging to the ungenerous edge of the island.

The harsh and ungenerous treatment which he experienced, ^45 instead of derogating from the truth of his evidence, affords an additional proof of the spirit which actuated the deliberations of the synod.

The harsh and ungenerous treatment which he experienced, ^45 instead of derogating from the truth of his evidence, affords an additional proof of the spirit which actuated the deliberations of the synod.

Instead of obeying the orders of their sovereign, and satisfying, with decent liberality, the demands of the Goths, they levied an ungenerous and oppressive tax on the wants of the hungry Barbarians.