a. Not furrowed.
adj. not marked with shallow depressions or furrows; "an unfurrowed field"; "unfurrowed cheeks" [ant: furrowed]
Usage examples of "unfurrowed".
Trembling, unfurrowed, she slipped sidewise, screeching back across grooves of years, to hear again the earnest, high voice of her second or third collegiate love Ray Glozing bitching among "uhs" and the syncopated tonguing of a cavity, about his freshman calculus.
For there either was some Tristero beyond the appearance of the legacy America, or there was just America and if there was just America then it seemed the only way she could continue, and manage to be at all relevant to it, was as an alien, unfurrowed, assumed full circle into some paranoia.
Inside, nestled among the twin compartments of a white Styrofoam-like pod, were a pair of gelatinous gray lobes resembling diseased kidneys or the separated hemispheres of an unfurrowed brain.
She wished only to die, to follow in Mother's ghostly footsteps through the darkling mist, to a land unknown, unsought, unfurrowed, there to atone in any way she could for the murder she had committed.
Elsewhere, in various quarters of the globe, there may be sterile rocks, but there are none so adamant as to be altogether unfurrowed by the filaments engendered in the moist residuum of the condensed vapor.
He was younger than she would have guessed: his brow was unfurrowed, and there was something inescapably innocent in his demeanor.
For I had seen nothing on which it might prey, unless one might count the men who had entered the mountains, but their bones, scattered, white and frozen, were unsplintered and unfurrowed.