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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unforesee \Un`fore*see"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + foresee.] To fail to foresee.
--Bp. Hacket.

Usage examples of "unforesee".

Nor the events enchaining every will, That from the depths of unrecorded time Have drawn all-influencing virtue, pass Unrecognized, or unforeseen by thee, Soul of the Universe!

He was well aware that unforeseen unforeseeable circumstances might negate his purpose, and bring him trouble, disgrace, or worse.

In any conspiracy there were always imponderables, he knew, unforeseen and unforeseeable occurrences that could ruin a scheme, however well devised.

A second hypothesis might be that the unforeseen persistence of capitalism involves simply a continuation of the same processes of expansion and accumulation that we analyzed earlier, only that the complete depletion of the environment was not yet imminent, and that the moment of conf ronting limits and of ecological disaster is still to come.

It was too boring to think that the object might change of its own accord and assume unforeseen characteristics.

In allowing such shockingly unforeseen pleasure and new insight into familiar events, Nabokov makes almost unbearably delightful the prospect of an immortality in which such discoveries would be rife.

Maia, once again out of sight in the darkness, found herself faced with a dilemma, unforeseen in her agitation at being so suddenly called upon to dance.

Faraerth and his superiors in the Hegemony Fleet, this unforeseen change was merely a clarion call for greater caution.

The unforeseen event, till the north wind Sprung from the sea, lifting the heavy veil Of battle-smoke--then victory--victory!

On those occasions, the worst thing we can do is to avoid making a choice in the hope that if we just think hard enough an unforeseen solution will materialize that will relieve us of the need to make the hard choice.

So it would have to be strong enough to be able to overcome any resistance quickly and big enough to afford to detach subelements to mask cities, protect its logistical lines, and exploit any unforeseen opportunities for maneuver that present themselves along the way.

One of the great dangers of this campaign is that we would not bring enough force and then would find ourselves bogged down by unforeseen developments.

It was a two-stage rocket with a microcomputer that had, besides the standard programs of contact, the ability to revise and alter them to fit unforeseen circumstances.

And in order for it to respond suitably to the unforeseen behavior of the host upon landing, it was given a too-intelligent computer.

But if something unforeseen occurs, Heparia will argue that it was white, and Norstralia that it was black.