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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unflinching \Un*flinch"ing\, a. Not flinching or shrinking; unyielding. -- Un*flinch"ing*ly, adv.


adv. Without showing fear or indecision; resolutely.

Usage examples of "unflinchingly".

But to Seyss-Inquart, as he said at his trial in Nuremberg, the Nazis stood unflinchingly for the Anschluss and for this reason he gave them his support.

Voices, commands, laughter: for an hour activity prevailed in the nihilation area, while the target plane flew over the city again from the sea side, slipped away from the searchlights, and, caught again, became a Platonic target: The Number 6 manned the fuze setter, trying with cranks to make two mechanical pointers coincide with two electrical pointers and unflinchingly nihilating the evasive essent.

Caralie stared at the mayor unflinchingly as he and his goons approached where she and Riley stood.

To hear a nuhp talk, he had a direct line to some categorical imperative that spelled everything out in terms that were unflinchingly black and white.

She looked at him directly, face to face, deep blue eyes meeting his unflinchingly.

But perhaps all along, Theisman had possessed the intestinal fortitude to unflinchingly contemplate a resumption of military operations and Giancola, deceived by his insistence on concealing his new fleet until it was ready, simply hadn't recognized it.