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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unfavorable \Un*fa"vor*a*ble\, a. Not favorable; not propitious; adverse; contrary; discouraging. -- Un*fa"vor*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*fa"vor*a*bly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also unfavourable, mid-15c. (implied in unfavorably), from un- (1) "not" + favorable (adj.).\n\n"We must not indulge in unfavorable views of mankind, since by doing it we make bad men believe that they are no worse than others, and we teach the good that they are good in vain."

[Walter Savage Landor, "Imaginary Conversations"]


a. 1 disadvantageous, adverse, unsuitable, inconducive; serving to hinder or oppose. 2 (context of a belief state of mind, etc English) Not favorable, disapproving. 3 (context of wind or weather English) Causing obstacles or delay; not conducive to travel or work; inclement. 4 Not auspicious; ill-boding.

  1. adj. not encouraging or approving or pleasing; "unfavorable conditions"; "an unfavorable comparison"; "unfavorable comments" [syn: unfavourable] [ant: favorable]

  2. (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose; "unfavorable winds" [syn: unfavourable] [ant: favorable]

  3. not favorable; "made an unfavorable impression"; "unfavorable reviews"

Usage examples of "unfavorable".

That, so far as possible, all biologic instruction should be objective was with Agassiz an educational dogma, and upon several notable occasions its validity had been demonstrated under very unfavorable conditions.

Though he depended on the attachment of the soldiers, who loved him for virtues like their own, he was conscious that his mean and barbarian origin, his savage appearance, and his total ignorance of the arts and institutions of civil life, formed a very unfavorable contrast with the amiable manners of the unhappy Alexander.

To these commendations, independent of any accidents of time and place, we must add the peculiar merit which Claudian derived from the unfavorable circumstances of his birth.

He knew it was unfavorable to their wishes, but could not comprehend its meaning or expressions, and immediately attributed their ambiguity to the strange conference he had witnessed between Denbigh and the military stranger.

As a way station for the construction of SPS in low Earth orbit, before lifting it to higher geosynchronous orbit, the International Space Station unfortunately has an unfavorable orbital inclination.

November 11 to 18, 2005, the person with the highest standing in Iraq was Sistani, with 61 percent favorable, 39 unfavorable.

The explosive must be in such condition that the chemical and physical tests do not show any unfavorable results.

There followed reviews in various science fiction prozines and fanzines and it seemed to me, at the time, that they were uniformly unfavorable.

Which journalists -- in addition to the man from Newsday who wrote unfavorable things about Bebe Rebozo -- were put on The List to have their tax returns audited?

It may be supposed that the discontent of the fair bevy, and its unfavorable judgment of himself, did not reach the ears of Alfred Stevens, and would scarcely have disturbed them if it did.

Presently Cugel was able to introduce his own cards into the game, whereupon his luck changed and he quickly won thirty-eight terces, with Wagmund, Koyman and Sabtile crying out and smiting their foreheads in disbelief at the unfavorable consequences of their play.

It was enough that the Minister of the Interior, one Baisse, declared that the national tranquility was only in appearance, in secret there reigned deep agitation, in secret, ubiquitous societies were organized, the democratic papers were preparing to reappear, the reports from the Departments were unfavorable, the fugitives of Geneva conducted a conspiracy via Lyons through the whole of southern France, France stood on the verge of an industrial and commercial crisis, the manufacturers of Roubaix were working shorter hours, the prisoners of Belle Isle had mutinied.

Unfavorable weather, tricky cargoes, even simple bad luck could not break his calm.

Our discussions centered on measures that must be taken in light of current unfavorable winds, to avoid formal federal legislation mandating divulgence of certain confidential client information, not only to the office of the federal prosecutor but to a committee of international agencies.

In this twofold character they are ill-disposed towards the ancient régime, hostile to Catholicism and feudal rights, unfavorable to the clergy and the nobility, inclined to extend the bearing and exaggerate the rigor of recent decrees, partisans of the Rights of Man, and, therefore, humanitarians and optimists, disposed to excuse the misdeeds of the people, hesitating, tardy and often timid in the face of an outbreak - in short, admirable writers, exhorters, and reformers, but good for nothing when it comes to breaking heads and risking their own bones.