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a. (context finance legal English) Not having been exercised

Usage examples of "unexercised".

Gradual experiences of his business among his fellows were teaching an exercised mind to learn in regions where minds unexercised were doctorial giants beside it.

As Larry talked he became more spontaneous, and after a time he was telling of the effect upon him of seeing various shrewd men locked up and unexercised in prison.

London, and found their hitherto unexercised memories quite overtaxed by masters, who saw that the girls were quick, intelligent, and observant, with a great deal of practical knowledge quite unusual in England at their years, but absolutely devoid of all school acquirements.

His most innocent flirtations were watched with the straining eagerness which a group of unexercised terriers concentrates on the slightest movements of a human being who may be reasonably considered likely to take them for a walk.

He had not been untruthful when he told Ginger he did not remember, but, more accurately, as unexercised feelings began to stretch and push behind his rib cage, he realized how very thoroughly his memories of Ginger had been suppressed.

But her unexercised reflectiveness was on the highroad of accepted doctrines, with their chorus of the moans of gossips for supernatural intervention to give us justice.

My voice, even now, has a compass which your unexercised lungs, though quite as good originally as mine, would fail entirely to contend with.

I called forth, from their secret recesses, the unexercised and almost unknown stores I had from time to time laid up in my mental armoury to moulder and to rust.

In 1872 complete self-government was given to it, the Governor, as the representative of the Queen, retaining a nominal unexercised veto upon legislation.

For they were dirty, handcuffed together like that, unexercised, unwashed.

I have become quite aware from what has recently taken place that an unexercised authority, if not set down in black and white, comes presently to be questioned as though it did not exist.

His voice was soft and light, and his unexercised life gave him a juvenile chubbiness rather than the paunchiness of premature middle age.

At the same time, he could not help wondering how he was going to explain to that feeble and unexercised intellect exactly what new glory he had in store for it.

Only a crisis within the individual can summon unexercised, forgotten, or future human capacities.

Man never had the right to usurp the unexercised prerogative of God, and condemn and punish another for his belief.