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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unexceptionable \Un`ex*cep"tion*a*ble\, a. Not liable to any exception or objection; unobjectionable; faultless; good; excellent; as, a man of most unexceptionable character. -- Un`ex*cep"tion*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un`ex*cep"tion*a*bly, adv.

Chesterfield is an unexceptionable witness.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1660s, from un- (1) "not" + exceptionable.


a. Beyond reproach; unimpeachable


adj. completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach; "two unexceptionable witnesses"; "a judge's ethics should be unexceptionable" [syn: unimpeachable]

Usage examples of "unexceptionable".

The bicycle ran truly and faultlessly beneath me, every part of her functioning with precision, her gentle saddle-springs giving unexceptionable consideration to my weight on the undulations of the road.

I am persuaded that Miss Sutton would make you a perfectly unexceptionable wife.

Gloves are truly an unexceptionable gift from a gentleman to a lady, though it is perhaps a little premature after such a short acquaintance.

An unexceptionable character is one to which no one can take exception.

Lord Ulswater,--of high and ancient birth, of great wealth, young, unexceptionable in person and character, and warmly attached to you, it would be impossible even for the sanguine heart of a parent to ask for you a more eligible match.

She took the decision that as the Leveson-Gowers and other quite unexceptionable persons were being blackmailed like herself into inviting the Pealing to their homes, she would go along.

It gave her an unexceptionable excuse to do so, and she would be spared the holiday at Bath, which held no novel charms for her as it was only ten miles from her own home and a spot familiar to her without having any particularly pleasant associations.

I got down and felt the tyres but they were unexceptionable and fully pumped.

Patterns very difficult to imagine were made together by everything the eye could see, merging into a supernal harmony their unexceptionable varieties.

This was possibly due to the perfect proportion of its parts which combined merely to create a thing of surpassing grace and elegance, transcending all standards of size and reality and existing only in the absolute validity of its own unexceptionable dimensions.

Your playing is perfectly unexceptionable and gives me much pleasure, though I admire your singing more.

What seemed particularly remarkable was the sound evangelical faith of the Captain and his family, and the unexceptionable doctrines that were preached by their minister.

Nevertheless, his character was unexceptionable, his manners were quiet, and his fortune was ruined.

Tyrold would not accept him for her chevalier, he had ridden hard to the parsonage of Cleves, whence he hoped he had brought her one too unexceptionable for rejection.

I am amazed that you would deem it unexceptionable to present to Miss Doyle any scoundrel who asks for the favor.