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adv. In an unethical manner.


adv. in an unethical manner; "he behaved unethically" [ant: ethically]

Usage examples of "unethically".

Humboldt, he had succumbed to temptation and had acted unethically, he would suffer a certain eclipse of reputation, but he is young and would have ample time to recover.

Sabbat, he had succumbed to temptation and had acted unethically, he would suffer a certain eclipse of reputation, but his great age and his centuries of accomplishments would stand against that and would win out.

Ethel and Doris, ranking as mourners, pretended to be passing food, but were in reality engaged in long and regretful conversations with family friends, one or two of whom were unethically sounding them out about the chances of their changing employment, now that Mrs Bridgetower was gone.

I'd hoped, somewhat unethically, to learn something from my patients under anaesthesia—you'd be surprised what we hear that way—although I'd never have repeated a word to anyone, of course.