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a. Not enfranchised; unfree.

Usage examples of "unenfranchised".

I had failed to see the advantage of having a vote that might leave me after an election a disfranchised voter, instead of an unenfranchised woman.

Here is the world humanity has made: will you take full citizenship in it, or will you live in it as dull, as slow to receive, as unenfranchised, as the idlers for whom civilization has no uses, or the deadened toilers, men or beasts, whose labor shuts the door on choice?

But in 1777 the electorate was not anxious for reform, and the unenfranchised gave no thought to their political disabilities.

I know by sight but hardly know by ear, because I imagine only the long-dead or the unenfranchised still speak it.

One benighted male had come in from the outside darkness and had jeered from the further end of the hall, but he had been called to order by the chair, petrified by indignant glances from the unenfranchised around him, and finally escorted to the door by Charles Westmacott.