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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
unemployment benefit
▪ Some jobs were too short-lived for them to build up sufficient contributions to acquire eligibility for unemployment benefit.
▪ The harsher conditions attaching to the receipt of unemployment benefit affect all claimants, but the consequences for women are particularly unfortunate.
▪ To add insult to injury, Alan's not even entitled to unemployment benefit.
unemployment benefit

n. money paid by the government, special-purpose fund or similar to those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Usage examples of "unemployment benefit".

On those occasions when unemployment benefit would not stretch to Baileys, he made do with tea bags, using them at least twice.

And without a syndicate card he could get neither-work nor unemployment benefit.

Kenneth Charter thought that apart from unemployment benefit his son had no money except what he himself gave him, but this cannot be right as Charter did not give him enough extra for cocaine and abortions.

He didn't much like it,- he loathed his weekly excursion up from the guts of the city to collect his unemployment benefit.

The Labour Exchange put him on to it each Thursday morning as he drew his unemployment benefit, and he'd always turned it down.

Several times he went to the unemployment benefit office, only to walk past because he could not summon the courage to go inside.