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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Nevertheless Carter had several undoubted successes in foreign policy.
▪ So they stayed in an hotel in Hampstead and did the sights and enjoyed some of the fruits of his undoubted success.
▪ You have an undoubted talent as a communicator and it will not go away.
▪ Nurturing her daughter's undoubted talent has cost Mrs Charley dearly.
▪ For your part, you will bring your undoubted talent as well as your customers to the business.
▪ Mrs Gibbs regarded it with a little shock of instant pleasure for her daughter's undoubted talent.
▪ Although a player of undoubted talent, he was not reliable.
▪ In this competition, the rich man retained undoubted advantages, but he did not automatically excel.
▪ In those circumstances I hold that the undoubted disturbance to the residents is not actionable.
▪ Many practitioners know this, and may be put off from benefiting from the undoubted if limited strengths of functional assessment.
▪ Nevertheless Carter had several undoubted successes in foreign policy.
▪ Nurturing her daughter's undoubted talent has cost Mrs Charley dearly.
▪ The Zeitgeist has proved more powerful than her own undoubted moral fibre and the historical influence of her own Church and family.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Undoubted \Un*doubt"ed\, a. Not doubted; not called in question; indubitable; indisputable; as, undoubted proof; undoubted hero. -- Un*doubt"ed*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from un- (1) "not" + past participle of doubt (v.). Related: Undoubtedly.


a. Without doubt; without question; certain.


adj. accepted without question; "undoubted evidence" [syn: unchallenged, undisputed, unquestioned]

Usage examples of "undoubted".

An announcer, his voice as stiff as his undoubted shirt, broke into the playing and announced a special news bulletin.

The employment of an infusion of red clover blossoms, in small doses, is of undoubted value in modifying the irritation of the air-passages, and may be used to good advantage with, or in alternation with the Golden Medical Discovery.

In his first overseership he had been so hard on the men under him, exacting so much and granting so little, that his master thought he had lost more by that than he gained by his undoubted vigilance and practical knowledge.

The letter was to the effect that all around Visalia, upon the ranches affected by the regrade of the Railroad, men were arming and drilling, and that the strength of the League in that quarter was undoubted.

Manutius assumed charge of the Aldine Press when he was eighteen years old, but he was unable to combine, as his father had, his undoubted scholarly attainments with the business necessities.

Like James in the old days, Soames found time to go there nearly every Sunday, and sit in the little drawing-room into which, with his undoubted taste, he had introduced a good deal of change and china not quite up to his own fastidious mark, and at least two rather doubtful Barbizon pictures, at Christmastides.

For instance, the blue and red pimpernel, the primrose and cowslip, which are considered by many of our best botanists as varieties, are said by Gartner not to be quite fertile when crossed, and he consequently ranks them as undoubted species.

For several decades during the Stalinist period and its aftermath, research on brain and behaviour in the Soviet Union became shoehorned into Pavlovian orthodoxy, despite the presence of new generations of researchers who, while prepared to give Pavlov credit for his undoubted achievements, sought to break loose theoretically.

That a race of men having these characteristics did exist in Wales is undoubted.

Lord Wharncliffe, being at length allowed to proceed, stated that, without wishing to provoke discussion on the subject, he was anxious that it should be entered on the journals of the house, that he in his place yesterday did give notice that he would move an humble address to his majesty not to exercise his undoubted prerogative of dissolving parliament.

Wallops drew to a conclusion, it was generally recognized by his associates that he knew as much about the upper atmosphere as any man alive, and they suspected that this mastery would serve as a plateau from which he would ascend to even greater understandings, not because of his undoubted ability but because the speed of change was so great that anyone who stood upon an eminence in these particular years would be thrown inescapably higher.

It was an undoubted opportunity for him to put in some disparaging criticism of Comus, and Elaine sat alert in readiness to judge the critic and reserve judgment on the criticised.

It hard to say because so much of his early stuff appeared under pseudonyms of one sort or another, but an undoubted story of his appeared in 1941 when he was twenty-one.

Madame Boyer had yielded herself completely to his influence and her own undoubted passion for him.

This insight, along with the undoubted presence of demons in the palace, and the fact that Bazas in his madness had shouted the Dark King's name, strongly indicated that this latest attack, like that two years ago, must be led by the terrible Vilkata.