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a. Not dissipated.

Usage examples of "undissipated".

I felt the impetus of this undiffused, undissipated passion, in its undivided strength, stir and vitalise all my energies, and its power over my own frame made me involuntarily, instinctively confident of the power it would have over hers.

He lacked the traditional sidelocks, I noted, and his hands clenched into fists with the undissipated force of his anger.

The melancholy of poor Beatrice was undissipated by the slightest gleam of tranquillity: for five days she had not spoken, and had hardly touched any food.

There were thunderstorms in the area, and their tension hung undissipated in the air.

With his undissipated energy, his curious frugality in the matter of self-revelation, and his instinctive knowledge of men, he made his way from the first, and the roaring port at the mouth of the great river yielded him of its treasures for the asking.

So there was a lot of undissipated anger and resentment which was then turned on perfectly innocent targets: the nearest being crews of the second squadron.

It was in childhood that Iskander found, undissipated, that store of goodness and energy which is necessary for artistic creation .

He lacked the traditional sidelocks, I noted, and his hands clenched into fists with the undissipated force of his anger.