adv. In an undeserved manner.
adv. in an unmerited manner; "the team chalked up another victory, the last one quite undeservedly, in my opinion" [ant: deservedly]
Usage examples of "undeservedly".
And thus, because circumcision was the sign of regeneration, and the infant, on account of the original sin by which God’s covenant was first broken, was not undeservedly to lose his generation unless delivered by regeneration, these divine words are to be understood as if it had been said, Whoever is not born again, that soul shall perish from his people, because he hath broken my covenant, since he also has sinned in Adam with all others.
He spent the night not sleeping but ceaselessly revolving in memory the humiliations heaped on him undeservedly and his own failure to make a public fuss.
He realised he was undeservedly being given a second chance and would never get a third.
It has given the genre an undeservedly bad reputation in certain circles, though.