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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Undertide \Un"der*tide`\, Undertime \Un"der*time`\, n. [Under + tide, time. Cf. Undern.] The under or after part of the day; undermeal; evening.

He, coming home at undertime, there found The fairest creature that he ever saw.


n. (context informal English) the time spent at a workplace doing non-work activities.

Usage examples of "undertime".

Think of it as undertime, the one ultimately causal place in a causal universe.

From the requisite undertime distance, he tracks the departure of one young and stunned Martin Martel, and thence hastens back to the bunker of the Brethren, emerging in a silent corridor, wrapped in darkness, cloaked in his energies, and invisible to all but the most talented of espers.

Martel wills himself back against the current until the feel of the reality outside the undertime river matches his images.

I took the path toward the nearest narrow corridor, and the instant I was alone, slid undertime and straight for Baldur's room.

I could have made it out through the undertime before being fried—maybe—but there was no way Baldur could have.

Forced, because it's difficult to carry a co-operating and consenting adult undertime, let alone two unconscious ones.

Forced, because it's difficult to carry a cooperating and consenting adult undertime, let alone two unconscious ones.

With a skip, flick, flick, flick through the undertime, I centred on the narrowest segment of the unstable rock and sand that composed the causeway.

In that undertime, drawn by the crimson line like an iron filing to a lodestone, the thin black curtain seemed to fade into dark translucence.

If I got the right angle, though I couldn't hear from the undertime, I could see, and I was beginning to read lips.

Studying the dimming southern sky, and trying to pick out stars between the scattered clouds, I wondered if I could go undertime and follow a straight line to each.