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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Undersheriff \Un"der*sher`iff\, n. A sheriff's deputy.


n. In certain jurisdictions, a deputy sheriff; second in command to a sheriff.


An undersheriff is an office derived from ancient English custom and remaining in, among other places, England and Wales and the United States, though performing different functions.

Usage examples of "undersheriff".

Once the crisis was past and it was clear that Collos would live, it emerged that the two were Deryni, and that Dimitri, the other brother, had been an undersheriff in Vezaire, allegedly deposed for malfeasance and misappropriation of funds.

Kevin Larkin was a deputy in Columbia County, Washington, and it was his request to Wallowa County Sheriff Ron Jett that had sent Undersheriff Rich Stein to the Maxwell Campgrounds to check out the information.

Sheriff Jim Metts and Undersheriff Lew McCarty, were both National Academy graduates.

His primary job was to oversee the deputies and run the patrol, but in Wallowa County, even the undersheriff had to pull shifts and work patrol.