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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to serve insufficiently," 1710, from under + serve (v.). Related: Underserved; underserving.


vb. (context transitive English) To supply something with insufficient services or resources.

Usage examples of "underserve".

Her lackluster dramatic vehicles only pointed up the fact that she was bright, funny, well read, and woefully underserved by the material given her.

I again asked Congress to provide funds to build or modernize five thousand schools and to approve a sixfold increase in the number of college scholarships for students who would commit to teaching in underserved areas.

It used to be a charity that gave away coats and mittens to underserved families every Christmas.

The older, occupied sections of the sector are still underserved by the big corporates.

Walton, a natural promoter as well as a born merchant, overwhelmed the nominal disadvantages of time and place with the sheer fervency of his pursuit of the underserved consumers who still inhabited the Ozarks.

For a company that was born in the Ozarks and that grew big by opening stores in underserved, poor, rural communities, New York represents the climactic prize in its conquest of America.

The convention center was a grim, outdated white elephant that had underserved the city from day one.

Radhakrishnan had not spent most of his life in his native India without figuring out that important positions are quite often filled by underserving swine, who must be deferred to in any case.

I again asked Congress to provide funds to build or modernize five thousand schools and to approve a sixfold increase in the number of college scholarships for students who would commit to teaching in underserved areas.

It used to be a charity that gave away coats and mittens to underserved families every Christmas.

The older, occupied sections of the sector are still underserved by the big corporates.

The convention center was a grim, outdated white elephant that had underserved the city from day one.

Radhakrishnan had not spent most of his life in his native India without figuring out that important positions are quite often filled by underserving swine, who must be deferred to in any case.