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  1. Having less than adequate or sufficient representation v

  2. (en-past of: underrepresent)

Usage examples of "underrepresented".

This meant that my army was grossly underrepresented, because a conventional baron often had as few as half a dozen knights whereas mine each commanded a battalion of nine thousand men.

The Osarians lived much better than their Rhommamoolian counterparts, relaxing in luxury off the labors of the miners, and it was no secret that the Rhommamoolians were greatly underrepresented in the Osarian government.

It was said that Ackdool had been given the ship primarily because he was a Mon Calamarian, who, with the retirement of Ackbar, were underrepresented among the fleet.

Congress, the National Academy of Public Administration found women and minorities underrepresented at NSA.

Most of them came out of the public sector or from organizations committed to improving economic, political and social conditions for the underrepresented and the underprivileged.

Although the Shias had been underrepresented in government posts in the period of the monarchy, they made substantial progress in the educational, business, and legal fields.

Joseph Cordell Carr, alleging that city voters in their state were underrepresented in the state legislature.

I see Bethel is severely underrepresented, though I am happy that someone thought to pick up Mahalah on his way.

In a 1988 study of the intelligence community, done at the request of Congress, the National Academy of Public Administration found women and minorities underrepresented at NSA.