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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Hakeem, of course, is underperforming only in the context of the unique standard he has established for himself.
▪ In September I was informed my mortgage would underperform by 20 per cent.
▪ One question policyholders should ask is - if the company did underperform last year, has this limited its options?
▪ Sierra has, perfectly legally, targeted underperforming investment trusts.
▪ Unfriendly takeovers represent a constant threat to underperforming companies with ill prepared strategic plans.

vb. To underachieve, to not reach standards or expectations, especially with respect to a financial investment.

  1. v. perform less well or with less success than expected; "John consistently underachieves, although he is very able"; "My stocks underperformed last year" [syn: underachieve]

  2. perform too rarely; "Her plays are underperformed, although they are very good"

Usage examples of "underperform".

European winters in living memory, Euro Beasley underperformed with crushing losses, and Mickey Weisinger watched his stock-both personal and professional-plummet.

I have been purchasing underperforming loans from diverse petty nobles who did their parts to be of service to the King when the present war broke out.

He talked about setting up task forces, getting rid of underperforming businesses, and management style.

Conversely, punishment and discipline are fundamentally important tools for the unmotivated, capable, yet underperforming student.

Miss Silvestri loudly voiced her opinion as to why some of the local professional teams were underperforming that summer.

By the end of first grade, a black child is underperforming a statistically equivalent white child.

Sell off some underperforming stocks, get rid of some bonds, and use the proceeds to buy every last share we can find of our own stock.

Although the Patriots had underperformed dramatically in the Persian Gulf War, they made good TV news visuals when they worked, and keeping the public's blood flowing red, white, and blue would be vital.

Sell off some underperforming stocks, get rid of some bonds, and use the proceeds to buy every last share we can find of our own stock.

The first was how such a grossly inadequate, underperforming, al­cohol-abusing loser could ever have risen through the ranks to such an amazing position of trust.

Give him a sick company or an underperforming portfolio, and he was in his element.