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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
underhand/unfair tactics (=actions which are not fair or honest)
▪ I wouldn't stoop to such sneaky, underhand tactics.
▪ In a series of very smart, underhand moves, Browne gradually gained control of the company.
▪ But you must watch for underhand dealings, if not deception, in early April and July.
▪ Godwin is not pleased with that idea: I might compromise my sincerity by acting in an underhand manner.
▪ He generally fielded at point and his underhand bowling was formidable.
▪ Its the underhand way you went about the heavy petting and damp carry-on, Douglas.
▪ She implies that this is somehow underhand.
▪ Alice thought: Throwing underhand, pathetic! - and this scorn refuelled her.
▪ But how could he be so ... underhand?
▪ It's underhand, but effective.
▪ The Sox would like to see him throw as well over the top as he does underhand on the move.
▪ Webster retrieved the ball and flipped it underhand to Rhodes, who had anchored himself at the plate.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Underhand \Un"der*hand`\, a.

  1. Secret; clandestine; hence, mean; unfair; fraudulent.

  2. (Baseball, Cricket, etc.) Done, as pitching, with the hand lower than the shoulder, or, as bowling, with the hand lower than elbow.


Underhand \Un"der*hand`\, adv.

  1. By secret means; in a clandestine manner; hence, by fraud; unfairly; dishonorably.

    Such mean revenge, committed underhand.

    Baillie Macwheeble provided Janet, underhand, with meal for their maintenance.
    --Sir W. Scott.

    Note: In modern usage, the sense is usually negative.

  2. (Baseball, Cricket, etc.) In an underhand manner; thrown with the hand no higher than the shoulder and the palm turned upward during part of the pitch; -- said of pitching or bowling a ball.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-14c., "by secret means, stealthily, in a surreptitious manner," from under + hand (n.). Perhaps the notion is of the hand turned over (thus concealing what it holds). Compare Middle Dutch onderhanden "by degrees, slowly," Dutch onderhandsch "secret, private." The adjective is attested from 1540s. Old English under hand meant "in subjection, in (one's) control or power."

  1. 1 secret; clandestine 2 (context by extension English) dishonest and sneaky; done in a secret or sly manner 3 (label en in various ball games, of a ball) thrown (etc.) with the hand brought forward and up from below adv. 1 with an underhand movement 2 in a sly, sneaky or secret manner v

  2. 1 To toss or lob with an underhand movement. 2 To trick, decieve or gull. 3 (context mining English) To excavate downward in successive steps or horizontal slices while positioned above on unbroken ore.

  1. adv. slyly and secretly; "Mean revenge, committed underhand"- John Donne; "oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the align Germany with the Western democracies"- C.G.Bowers [syn: underhandedly]

  2. with the hand swung below shoulder level'; "throwing a ball underarm" [syn: underarm]

  1. adj. with hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level; "an underhand pitch"; "an underhand stroke" [syn: underhanded, underarm] [ant: overhand]

  2. marked by deception; "achieved success in business only by underhand methods" [syn: sneaky, underhanded]


Underhand may refer to:

Usage examples of "underhand".

Block Fixings -- Astragal Joints -- Pipe Fixings -- Large Branch Joints -- Large Underhand Joints -- Solders -- Autogenous Soldering or Lead Burning -- Index.

The shortstop, a junior high school kid named Bobby Maes, scooped up the ball and tossed underhand to Joe Mondragon, who, instead of firing it on to first, lowered a shoulder and drove himself savagely into Horsethief Shorty, who was trying to throw a block on him to queer the double play.

His armor gaped open, and, with a deft twist of his wrist, Basse threw the dagger, an underhand motion, a flat trajectory, powerful and true, he had practiced since he was six.

Something backboneless and underhand of that kind would not have surprised him in the least.

Owyn threw his dagger, a weak underhand cast, but one which caused the butt of the weapon to strike Nago in the temple.

Where Philip would have refused to touch anything remotely underhand, Miles would have followed her instructions to the letter and relished every moment.

The various foremen and their outfits were aware of the impending trouble over the Buford delivery, and quietly expressed their contempt for such underhand dealings.

I suggested, among other things, that Alanna got to be prima donna by a series of underhand maneuvers, including calling in favors and paying off Livingston and other members of the board of Eureka Opera.

All eyes were on this man as with almost ritualistic earnestness, in the midst of much joking, laughing, clowning about of the players, he pitched underhand the dazzling-white softball to a figure crouched at bat-Sable Mills, herself-an energetic and feisty figure, yet not much of an athlete-Sable with her brassy hair newly cut in a virtual flattop, a wicked silver clamp on one ear, in black sleeveless sweater and matching jodhpurs that fitted her wiry body as if she'd been poured into them like melted wax.

He fiddled around the apartment for a few minutes, set up his dart board and tried to develop an underhand shot, then desisted when it occurred to him that it might wake Cynthia.

In a thoroughly underhand way, he had the book printed with a papal seal of approval, which he persuaded out of a good-natured but ignorant priest.

As far as I know, nothing we did for Bern Investments and Alps Securities - they were the only two we bought for - as far as we know there was nothing underhand about the deal.

If the fringe soon proved to be rather tattier, the services more underhand than the original promotional copy made out, well, that was only to be expected of an enterprise left to run itself without Capellan supervision.