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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
dense undergrowth (=plants, bushes etc growing around and under trees)
▪ The bird is found mainly in woodland where there is dense undergrowth.
▪ We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth, chopping at it with jungle machetes.
▪ It prefers woodlands with an open canopy coupled with dense undergrowth and some clearings.
▪ One aspect of bureaucratic life which did not appeal to the permanent secretary manqué in No. 10 was the dense committee undergrowth.
▪ The path wound in and out of deep ravines, through thick oak and pine forests and dense undergrowth.
▪ Nightingales appreciate an open tree canopy with plenty of dense undergrowth and thicket below to provide nesting sites and shelter.
▪ Something rustled in the undergrowth.
▪ And if they did they wouldn't be laughing; they'd be too busy tracking their way through the undergrowth.
▪ Benjamin heard the faint crackling in the undergrowth but took one look at me and gave up any idea of pursuit.
▪ Crunching up the gravel drive past a clump of rhododendrons, she heard a scuffle in the undergrowth.
▪ Even if she reached the trees, the Dragoons would soon ride Sharpe down in the tangle of undergrowth.
▪ Mrs Nishimae stops, putting a finger over her lips, then disappears through a small opening in a tangle of undergrowth.
▪ Sandra hid in undergrowth nearby as Robert was repeatedly stabbed in the chest and beaten by the gang.
▪ There was a scuffle, and then a woman's giggle, among the undergrowth toward the centre of the small coppice.
▪ We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth, chopping at it with jungle machetes.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Undergrowth \Un"der*growth`\, n. That which grows under trees; specifically, shrubs or small trees growing among large trees.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"shrubs or small trees growing amid larger ones," c.1600, from under + growth.


n. The plants in a forest which only reach a relatively low height (such as shrubs and bushes).


n. the brush (small trees and bushes and ferns etc.) growing beneath taller trees in a wood or forest [syn: underbrush, underwood]


Undergrowth usually refers to the vegetation in the lower part of a forest, which can obstruct passage through the forest. The height of undergrowth is usually considered to be 0.3 – 3 m (1 – 9 ft.). Undergrowth can also refer to all vegetation in a forest which is not in the canopy.

Usage examples of "undergrowth".

Beneath the banksia trees, the ground was covered with a tangled undergrowth of plants, creepers, tufts of grass, decaying leaves and dry banksia nuts.

Almost instantly the silence of the forest was broken by the thunderous bellow of a basto, and there was a great crashing in the undergrowth.

Could Arthur have seen through an acre or so of undergrowth as Angela uttered these words, he would have perceived a very smart page-boy with the Bellamy crest on his buttons delivering a letter to Philip.

Barely had they gained the brushy undergrowth above the cave than Tan gripped her arm.

Wide lakes of putrid water and huge mounds of debris and filth lay everywhere, but in amongst the mud and the undergrowth, makeshift cabins had been thrown together with rooves of tarred canvas.

When he passed a huge amphora tree he reversed his shette and drummed on the monstrous trunk, sending booming echoes into the undergrowth.

Muscular and fast, they glided through the soupy undergrowth, watching her every step, waiting for her to trip.

There were no human trails here, no hikers, no trailside latrines, just thick, leafy forest and sun-starved undergrowth that swished and crackled despite their best efforts to keep quiet.

Where the trees were pines and the ground a carpet of needles and young whortleberries the going was good, but when whins intervened or burnt heather or the matted stumps of fallen oaks, and the moon was shut out by thick undergrowth, it was necessary to walk as delicately as Agag.

The undergrowth parted and the huntress Askari stepped from the shadows.

In her leggings and jerkin of faded leather, and her dark green hooded shirt, Askari was virtually invisible in the deep undergrowth.

She had never realized the forest was so lush, trees reaching into clouds, the dark undergrowth crowded with broadleaf foliage, lianas festooned with orchids, and bright .

The thing that waked him was a broadleaf stroking the net over his face, and from his place in the undergrowth Lovett could see a silhouette against the stars.

It would be difficult for an adult without the most thorough knowledge of bushcraft not to become disoriented and lost in a strange part of the country where the landscape is filled with thick undergrowth and without the sun to guide the way.

Judge Dee nodded and followed Ma Joong and Chiao Tai, who crept through the undergrowth.