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n. (plural of underground English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: underground)

Usage examples of "undergrounds".

For now, the credits that raid contained are already being used to establish rebel bases and undergrounds on planets throughout the Empire.

The rebellion grew from the clone and esper undergrounds, not your meddling.

What on earth do you need that you have to come to the undergrounds to get it?

I wonder what the undergrounds want this time that such important backers as you and I had to be summoned so urgently?

Hood: a supplier of money, reportedly well connected, he worked well with both the clone and esper undergrounds, which was rare.

As espers and clones, you are uniquely suited to bring the two undergrounds together.

As both espers and clones, they were supposed to be a link between the two undergrounds, but no one seems too sure where their true loyalties lie.

Finlay Campbell and Evangeline Shreck made plans with the esper and clone undergrounds, and the uber-esper Mater Mundi, to revenge those who died storming Wormboy Hell and see the Empress and her Empire brought down.