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n. The thick, soft undercoat of some mammals, especially those that spend time in the water


n. thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guard hair [syn: undercoat]

Usage examples of "underfur".

He slipped the light, soft underfur over his head, and then he put on his shagshay furs, his trousers and parka.

Her hood was framed with muskox underfur, warm and golden as the setting sun.

I found myself rhythmically combing the soft underfur free of the coarser guard hairs.

Silver moved in a halo of light, for the sun sparkled on the guard hairs that grew out over the dense underfur and she seemed to glow.

But loose underfur, working its way out through the layers of his guard hair in tatters around his flanks, made him look primordial, wild and unfinished.

Longtusk had a dense underfur of fine woolly hair that covered almost all his skin.

His underfur was light brown, but yellow-white around his rump and belly.

She ran her own trunk fingers through his long guard hairs, finding the woolly underfur beneath.

He was still coated with the short underfur from his birth, topped now by a thin layer of pink-red overfur.

But loose underfur, working its way out through the layers of his guard hair in tatters around his flanks, made him look primordial, wild and unfinished.

He put on his warmest underfur, heaviest tunic, pants and extra liners in his boots.

Her hood was framed with muskox underfur, warm and golden as the setting sun.

Its oversized, underfurred tail waved wildly, overbalancing the puppy in a wobbly dance.