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n. (plural of undercut English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: undercut)

Usage examples of "undercuts".

We will play New York rules, with gins and undercuts to count twenty each and blitzes double.

As I summarized it in chapter 5, the deconstructionists (and extreme relativists) went from saying that no perspective is finally privileged to saying that all perspectives are simply equalat which point this stance turns on itself, undercuts and deconstructs its own claim to validity, and collapses under its own already precariously light weight.

Since each culture and each belief system is different, and these different sets are partly constitutive of the mystical experience, then there is and can be no common mystical experience, and this also, it is said, undercuts the mystical claim to valid or universal knowledge.

Besides, privileging the it and the we over the I, when it comes to universal validity, ultimately undercuts the privileging itself.

The attempt to protect the consumer by foro undercuts the protection he gets from incentive.

First, i undercuts the value of reputation by placing the reputabl company on the same basis as the unknown, the newcomer or the fly-by-nighter.

Scop knows, of course, that he is being closely monitored but the administrator’s offhand confirmation of this gives him a thrill of realization which undercuts the easy hilarity with which he had approached the interview.