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vb. (en-past of: undercharge)

Usage examples of "undercharged".

I didn’t overcharge him, in fact I undercharged him for I liked the man.

But he was thinking how he'd undercharged Robert Clapley for the job, because one hundred grand was seeming more and more like a dirt-cheap fee for spending a whole wretched day on the golf course with Willie Vasquez-Washington.

At irregular intervals they presented him with a dirty slip of paper which they said was the bill, but he had the impression that they always undercharged him.

If the pistol had been undercharged with powder, and if the ball had struck the trigger guard, it was just possible that it had not had the velocity to penetrate the, rib cage, it had been turned by the bone and ploughed along under the skin, skidding along the groove between two ribs following the track that she had just probed, and lodging at last in the thick bed of the latissimus dorsi and tenes major muscle.