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a. Not possessing decorations.


adj. not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction [syn: unadorned] [ant: adorned]

Usage examples of "undecorated".

Ice because, in its undecorated state, it looked as cold and fragile as the thinnest layer of frozen water.

The Guard wore the bearskins undecorated for battle, but each man had a waxed canvas sheath, eighteen inches long, strapped to his sabre-briquet, and in the sheaths were the plumes which they would fix to the bearskins for their victory parade in Brussels.

He was thin, of average height, wearing plain armour and an undecorated standard-issue short-sword strapped to his belt.

Unadorned, undecorated, seeming to draw into itself the light of sun and candles.

Peters, and talked with him a great deal: told him yarns, gave him toothsome scraps of personal history, and wove a glittering streak of profanity through his garrulous fabric that was refreshing to a spirit weary of the dull neutralities of undecorated speech.

It was turned and rested steady, supported by the left undecorated side, which kept the right playing half off the ground for a clear, undamped sound.

There was no rubbish or rubble here either, though the walls were undecorated and painted a monotonous white that made the eyes seek every tiny fleck or stain for some relief.

Now, with the illusions turned off, it was just a spare, undecorated room.

Star stood very straight in that undecorated uniform, his dark head uncovered to the cold and distant sun rising now beneath the fading scimitar of Mars.

It was a modest affair: a smooth wedge of obsidian shaped like a metronome, undecorated save for two cameo portraits set in elliptical borders.

Count, they had set aside all that might have drawn away from their disconcerting appearance, wearing now only simple black robes, undecorated save for the shattered half of a small iron ring which hung about the neck of each on a fine black chain.

Undecorated by so much as even a chamfer or a rounded edge, it was stoutly built and profoundly uncomfortable.

Also the theaters in Bridgeport weren't like the antiquey old Harwich or the somehow businesslike Empire, with its plain, undecorated marquee.

The walls and supports were undecorated, much more mechanical than the grottoes and forests of the other decks.

The bar itself is much gilded and medallioned, and not a square inch of ceiling or of wall is unmirrored or undecorated.