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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1400, "reliable, accurate, certain," from un- (1) "not" + past participle of deceive (v.).


vb. (en-past of: undeceive)


adj. freed of a mistaken or misguided notion; "some people are still not disabused of the old idea that the universe revolves around the Earth" [syn: disabused(p)]


Undeceived is the second LP and third studio release by Norwegian Christian metal band Extol. It was released in 2000 on Solid State Records and re-released in 2002 on Century Media; all releases of the album other than the Solid State version switch the two opening tracks, such that "Undeceived" is the first track on the album.

In 2010, HM magazine placed Undeceived at No. 96 on its Top 100 Christian Rock Albums of All Time list stating that "Burial introduced us to these Nordic Viking metallers, but kicked it up even another notch." Heaven's Metal fanzine ranked it No. 5 on its Top 100 Christian metal albums of all-time list.

Usage examples of "undeceived".

Murray Undeceived and Avenged Tontine had what is called tact and common sense, and thinking these qualities were required in our economy she behaved with great delicacy, not going to bed before receiving my letters, and never coming into my room except in a proper dress, and all this pleased me.

I undeceived him, and begged him for the future to be a little more sparing of his advice.

The next morning I started with Bellino, who, believing me to be undeceived, could suppose that I would not shew any more curiosity about him, but we had not been a quarter of an hour together when he found out his mistake, for I could not let my looks fall upon his splendid eyes without feeling in me a fire which the sight of a man could not have ignited.

I might be told that if I had wished to follow the rules of pure morality I ought either to have declined intimate intercourse with them or to have undeceived them.

The nation had reason to expect an immediate mitigation in the article of annual expense, considering the number of troops and ships of war which had been reduced at the ratification of the treaty: but they were disagreeably undeceived in finding themselves again loaded with very extraordinary impositions, for the payment of a vast debt which government had contracted in the course of the war, notwithstanding the incredible aids granted by parliament.

In order that your Majesty may, with the least trouble and the most pleasure, be informed, and the rest, who are of a contrary opinion, be undeceived, I was ordered by the Viceroy Don Francisco de Toledo, whom I follow and serve in this general visitation, to take this business in hand, and write a history of the deeds of the twelve Incas of this land, and of the origin of the people, continuing the narrative to the end.

I undeceived her, speaking to her very candidly, and she treated me most kindly, inviting me to come now and then to spend the evening at her house.

The next morning I started with Bellino, who, believing me to be undeceived, could suppose that I would not shew any more curiosity about him, but we had not been a quarter of an hour together when he found out his mistake, for I could not let my looks fall upon his splendid eyes without feeling in me a fire which the sight of a man could not have ignited.

I thought that, being a Calabrian, he might feel ashamed of his Italian, but he undeceived me by speaking in that language to M.

I undeceived him, and begged him for the future to be a little more sparing of his advice.

Doubtless many a reader will say that if I had been an honest man I should have undeceived her, but I cannot agree with them.

In this they will be undeceived by the final result, which will evince to them a liberal disposition of the government towards them.

Her dress, which was that of the women of Epirus, consisted of a pair of white satin trousers, embroidered with pink roses, displaying feet so exquisitely formed and so delicately fair, that they might well have been taken for Parian marble, had not the eye been undeceived by their movements as they constantly shifted in and out of a pair of little slippers with upturned toes, beautifully ornamented with gold and pearls.