UNDA may refer to:
- Uganda National Data Archive
- Uganda National Democratic Alliance
- Uganda National Democratic Army
- United Nations Development Account
- United Nations Development Authority
- University of Notre Dame Australia
- University of Notre Dame Archives
Usage examples of "unda".
He had just taken a bandicoot from the hole in the earth in which it had been baking, and was tearing its limbs asunder, reserving the choicest portions for his mistress and himself, while he threw to Unda the least savoury morsels.
Atlantis duri caelum qui vertice fulcit, Atlantis, cintum adsidue cui nubibus atris piniferum caput et vento pulsatur et imbri, nix umeros infusa tegit, turn flumina mento praecipitant senis, et glacie riget horrida barba, hie primum paribus nitens Cylknius alis constitit: hinc toto praeceps se corpore ad undas misit avi similis, quae circum litora, circum piscosos scopulos humilis volat aequora iuxta.