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vb. (en-past of: uncurl)

  1. adj. not curled; "lay uncurled on the bed"

  2. not having been curled

Usage examples of "uncurled".

Edwin uncurled himself from his spot on the bench and stood before his mistress, his long braids matted and filthy, his tunic badly torn.

Resolving to act with more grace, Ghislaine uncurled her cold, stiff limbs and moved closer to the fire.

Desire uncurled in his chest, quickly spreading to the rest of his body.

Lady Wolcott finally picked up her hand, uncurled her fingers, and tucked the paper into her palm.

She uncurled her fingers and looked at her team, her mouth a hard slash.

Another child uncurled himself beneath the creature of myth, where he camped with pillow and hospital blanket.

Her warm tongue languidly intruded into his mouth and his fingers uncurled from her wrist.

And when she uncurled from the easy chair and stood, unrehearsed grace in motion, he caught himself staring.

When the smoke cleared, Hazard cautiously uncurled from behind a windfall and, rising, walked slowly over to the two white men, his pistols drawn, to make certain they were dead.

He uncurled them, flexed his stiff fingers, and tried to slow his breathing.

Meanwhile, the third millipede had uncurled and joined its fellows in consuming the feast before them.

With an effort, Miles kept the snarl out of his voice, uncurled his fingers.

His face turned red, and his fingers curled and uncurled at his sides.

I remember from my life is a strip of light from my front hall, and in that strip of light an uncurled strand of hair, her beret and her eyes filled with determination.

He uncurled his legs from their awkward position under the chair and stretched.