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a. 1 Not having been cropped or cut. 2 (context of land English) Not used to grow crops.

  1. adj. not subjected to cutting or clipping or browsing; "uncropped hair"; "a dog with uncropped ears"; "tall uncropped grass" [ant: cropped]

  2. not used for growing crops; "uncropped soil"

Usage examples of "uncropped".

A shock of gray, uncropped hair hung about a face that was stern but not unkind.

The planning as well as the doing had been his, and as he stood in the dooryard, the fine snow clinging like chaff to his uncropped hair, it was not without pride that he watched the smoke rising from the rebuilt chimney.

Even the plain was red, the wetness of uncropped grass reflecting the volcanic flaming of the sunrise and everything beginning to steam.

All were, with their beards and uncropped hair and furs, as shaggy as their runty ponies, and even from more than fifty meters, the combined stench of them was gaggingly indescribable.

Although Johnny would have preferred to wage war in the arid lands he knew so well, he had to admit that the ruined and abandoned buildings surrounded by woods and lush, uncropped fields and tall grasses might actually be better.

The grasses were tall there, evidently uncut and uncropped this whole season.

Townsend stirred in his warm bed and sat up quickly, rubbing sleep from his face with long, supple hands that continued back through dark, uncropped hair that was silvering at the temples.

Notice his uncropped head of luxuriant, curly hair, the only exception I observed to the singular cut of hair peculiar to the Seminole men.

And as Alec stroked Sebastian, his gaze very often would leave the dog, move across the high, uncropped grass, and come to rest upon the heavy underbrush at the low end of the hollow.

Hobo was a clownish Doberman whose uncropped ears hung out from his head, giving him an off- balance, undignified appearance.