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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Uncovenanted \Un*cov"e*nant*ed\, a.

  1. Not covenanted; not granted or entered into under a covenant, agreement, or contract.
    --Bp. Horsley.

  2. Not having joined in a league, or assented to a covenant or agreement, as to the Solemn League and Covenant of the Scottish people in the times of the Stuarts.

    In Scotland a few fanatical nonjurors may have grudged their allegiance to an uncovenanted king.
    --Sir T. E. May.

  3. (Theol.) Not having entered into relationship with God through the appointed means of grace; also, not promised or assured by the divine promises or conditions; as, uncovenanted mercies.


a. Not bound by a covenant

Usage examples of "uncovenanted".

But for a reader who has a full sense of the several languages that exist in English at the service of the several ways of human life, there is, from the mere terminology of official France, high or low--daily France--a gratuitous and uncovenanted smile to be had.

They rejoiced in the uncovenanted beatitude of sweetness alighting in their hearts.

But at least there is this consolation: we shall have an uncovenanted pot of coffee.

I would have you keep your garments clean, and take heed that ye be not spotted with uncovenanted spots.

Everybody else was an unclean alien, an uncircumcised dog, an uncovenanted leper.

One bright frosty morning, the sermon happening to have no relation to the light around or within them, but only to the covenant made with Abraham--such a legal document constituting the only reliable protection against the character, inclinations, and duties of the Almighty, whose uncovenanted mercies are of a very doubtful nature--Annie, neither able to enter into the subject, nor to keep from shivering with the cold, tried to amuse herself with gazing at one brilliant sun-streak on the wall, which she had discovered to be gradually shortening itself, and retreating towards the window by which it had entered.

Anglican Church were sufficient to prove that she was actually within the covenant, or only sufficient to prove that she was at least enjoying extraordinary and uncovenanted mercies, not only lowered her level in a religious point of view, but weakened her controversial basis.

Restaurant and treated him to a large dish of ice cream with a great deal of chocolate syrup on it, and sent him on his way with ten uncovenanted dollars in his pocket.