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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
unconventional religious beliefs
▪ Her unconventional opinions finally cost her her job.
▪ His business methods were unconventional but successful.
▪ She comes from an unconventional family.
▪ The two never lived in the same house, but their unconventional marriage lasted over 30 years.
▪ They were both unconventional to the point of eccentricity.
▪ He was not willing to take on cases with relatively unconventional chosen outcomes.
▪ Laing has developed some rather unconventional methods for communicating to his troops.
▪ Peter Mitchell was delightfully informal, a connoisseur of the unexpected and unconventional.
▪ Secondly, innovation, which involves the adoption of unconventional methods of chasing the goals, such as through crime.
▪ The fifty-two year old Berlin artist's work is characterised by highly unconventional still lifes.
▪ The Judge, accustomed to hearing unconventional job descriptions, none the less appeared perplexed.
▪ This highlights a crucial tactical problem for new groups or those whose demands are seen as in some way unconventional.
▪ To some extent unconventional sources of natural gas, new technology, and new economic incentives, underlie this greater optimism.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1832, from un- (1) "not" + conventional (adj.). "A 19 cent. epithet for a certain type of affectation." [Weekley] Related: Unconventionally.


a. 1 Not adhering to convention or accepted standards 2 Out of the ordinary 3 atypical n. Something or someone that is unconventional.

  1. adj. not conforming to accepted rules or standards; "her unconventional dress and hair style" [ant: conventional]

  2. not conventional or conformist; "unconventional life styles" [ant: conventional, conventional]

  3. not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention; "an unconventional marriage"; "improper banking practices" [syn: improper, unlawful]

Usage examples of "unconventional".

However, the sexual ambivalence surrounding cross-dressing seems more intense because the behavior is unconventional.

He had been polite but not presumptuous, seeming no sorcerer at all but only the well-bred lord of a rather unconventional manor house.

If I detest anything, it is the unconventional, the stagy, the mysterious.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff definition in the 1960s as in the 1990s held unconventional warfare to encompass the related fields of guerrilla warfare and subversion, in enemy or enemy-controlled territory.

It was unconventional, but perhaps because he was so weary of the ordinary young ladies who invariably smiled and fluttered the moment he approached them, and were so perfectly ready to make much of him, this unconventionality attracted him.

The dress was merely uninteresting, not unconventional in the striking way he liked loose clothes on the tall bodies of the Afrikaans state theatre actresses and art school lec turers who were the women he kept around him.

Powered by this unconventional engine, the train surged ahead, big basketwork wheels spinning into a blur.

The Germans sometimes used such unconventional weapons as bombs dropped into the American formations or rockets fired from a safe distance but such methods did not achieve great success.

The police escorted her to a hospital with the child, and the subeditor proceeded to editorialize on the evils of unconventional lifestyles and the effects of domestic violence in a positively Hogarthian manner.

There are, however, some unconventional thinkers who would maintain that it can be done through unconscious, nonrational processes.

The unconventional redeployment of the Plutonian Assault Force amazed and appalled him.

Pikel described himself, and the gnome alchemist, to help in setting unconventional and unpleasant surprises for the invaders.

For a moment Miss Abbott had seemed to him more unconventional than himself.

But that average man, forgetful of the multitude of yesterday and ungrateful, has none the less wrought into his very fibre and spirit the uncompromising individualism, the unconventional neighborliness, and the frontier fellowships of yesterday.

She was very sprightly, and they thought her quite unconventional, and Gino a charming boy, so all that was to the good.