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a. Not controversial.

  1. adj. not likely to arouse controversy [syn: noncontroversial] [ant: controversial]

  2. not offensive; "an inoffensive level" [syn: inoffensive]

Usage examples of "uncontroversial".

A more recent study of the claim of evolutionary transition of types, as opposed to the uncontroversial fact of variation within types stated: "The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic (gradual) evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic school can be valid.

Opening a new orphanage was safe and uncontroversial, and bound to get St.

It was a good show, if a little safe and uncontroversial, to end his time on Technos III.

On some later date he would give his maiden speech on an uncontroversial topic, and anyone who spoke after him would offer compliments on the speech.

They were ordinary villagers, engaged in the brave and uncontroversial business of trying to keep a building from combining with oxygen.