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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Uncontrollable \Un`con*trol"la*ble\, a.

  1. Incapable of being controlled; ungovernable; irresistible; as, an uncontrollable temper; uncontrollable events.

  2. Indisputable; irrefragable; as, an uncontrollable maxim; an uncontrollable title. [R.]
    --Swift. [1913 Webster] -- Un`con*trol"la*ble*ness, n. -- Un`con*trol"la*bly, adv.


adv. In an uncontrollable manner; without being subject to control.


adv. in an uncontrolled manner; "she laughed uncontrollably"

Usage examples of "uncontrollably".

Her face was crimson, her nostrils uncontrollably flared and shrank, and the turbulent swelling of those beautiful bubbies showed unequivocally that this was perhaps the most sincere manifestation she had ever shown in the act of love, or so at least I could conjecture after what she had already disclosed concerning her frustrating marital experiences.

When she heard the news of his rejection, Byblis lost all color and shivered uncontrollably from chills.

Reports emerged testifying to male dogs which, upon dosing with cocaine, became uncontrollably priapic, of bitches suddenly becoming receptive to amorous advances from all comers.

The idea I had had of putting her leg out in front of her had been an admirable one, because it gaped the shadowy groove between those jouncy globes of hers and it made the buttocks flex uncontrollably.

When she turned on the ignition, she started shaking uncontrollably and had to wait a few minutes before she was calm enough to drive to a Judaica store on Pico, where she bought a silver match box and tray for Elana and story books for the children.

Father Looney suffered from bouts of palsy that made his hand tremble uncontrollably, causing his nicotine-yellow fingernail to click against my front teeth as he gave me the wafer.

When the princess saw him leaving so disconsolately, she began to cry uncontrollably, and she sighed and sobbed so that none of her maidens could console her.

Anton Schmidt, with his thick glasses and his porkpie hat cocked low, then Walter Calvi, with his bristly hair and his long black coat, then me, trembling uncontrollably, then Peter Cressi, his Elvisine features tight and his eyes lethal, and then the Cuban, his face impassive and the assault rifle calmly held in front of him like a tennis racket at the ready.

Fingers trembling uncontrollably, he undid his seat belt, picked up the camera case, and made his way to the toilet.

Octavia assumed the frozen mask with which she had had to hide her emotions for months, but Agrippina had great difficulty disguising her terror, and her hands began trembling uncontrollably.

The doctor stood corpselike, his little mouth dry and twitching, his eyes blinking uncontrollably with unwanted moisture, and his fingers wriggling desperately.

The image of my old room at 54 Ft. Greene Place flashed through my mind and I shuddered uncontrollably.

There he would be among a group of happy laughers, and all of a sudden his own perpetual smile would break and rictivate, elevate to laughter, and he would laugh uncontrollably along with the rest.

Birds of every sort were on the wing, newly arrived from the far south, while the trees were in early leaf and wild flowers filled the air with those delicate perfumes that make me sneeze uncontrollably.

The postmodern poststructuralists, for example, have gone from saying that no context, no perspective, is final, to saying that no perspective has any advantage over any other, at which point they careen uncontrollably in their own labyrinth of ever-receding holons, lost in aperspectival space.