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adv. In a subconscious manner; something done unknowingly.


adv. without awareness; "she jumped up unconsciously when he entered the room" [ant: consciously]

Usage examples of "unconsciously".

Over all these causes of Change I am convinced that the accumulative action of Selection, whether applied methodically and more quickly, or unconsciously and more slowly, but more efficiently, is by far the predominant Power.

She stiffened, unconsciously clamping down on his cock with her powerful anal muscles.

Pendragon and Vicki on the sofa, Britch in his easy chair, and Agnes, in an unconsciously sexy pose, perched on the desk, and they had brainstormed for three straight hours trying to sort out a pattern in the killings, beyond the obvious one that all victims were twenty-six years old and were killed on successive days from July 10 to the present, twenty-four hours and twenty minutes apart.

And the conscious political and racial agenda becomes a function of what unconsciously impels the group--for example, the exclusionary legislation in Germany during the 1930s.

Unconsciously, Maria slowed her pace, sick of the sight of the lumbering freight wagons.

UNCONSCIOUSLY it lays up its vast stores, hour by hour, day by day, and never loses or mislays a single valuable package of them all!

If, as seems fairly straightforward, a woman can unconsciously contribute to patriarchal institutions and act in accordance with ideologies rooted in misogyny, it stands to reason that a male writer might challenge sexist ideas without setting out on an ideological crusade to do so.

At the prosecution table, Molto is unconsciously probing his temple, staring vacantly at the oak rods that are mounted on the wall in front of him to baffle sound.

Like all other cops I knew, Morelli listened unconsciously, miraculously processing the garbled information.

The mixture which produced the white glaze was probably due to Palissy having added unconsciously a little more of some special substance, because when he tried to make a fresh mixture to spread over the rest of the pieces he failed to obtain the same result.

Godefroid could not help laughing as he bade good-night to the portress, who thus, all unconsciously, represented the bourgeoisie.

Theatre and were now lying, surrounded by postoperative equipment--drainage tubes, suction pumps and the like--fighting, albeit unconsciously, for their lives, unaware that the nurses were fighting even harder.

I do think there are mysterious processes at work in fiction that have to do with connections made unconsciously or on some preconscious level that need to be allowed to happen.

She unconsciously began smoothing and resmoothing her silk skirt over her knee, the material sliding effortlessly beneath her fingertips.

Unconsciously, almost as an afterthought to his physical action, he began to speak and respeak the concerns that plagued him: Shal, Anton, the Hammer of Tyr.