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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unconform \Un`con*form"\, a. Unlike. [Obs.]

Not unconform to other shining globes.

Usage examples of "unconform".

But no sooner had Christianity obtained a foothold on earth, multiplied its converts, and gained some outward sway, than its Judaizing disciples and promulgators, fastening on that which was easiest to comprehend and practise, that which was most impressive to the imagination, that which seemed most sharply to distinguish them from the unbelieving and unconforming world around, thrust far into the background this universal and eternal test of judgment set up by Jesus himself, and in place of it installed an exclusive test fashioned after a more developed and aggravated pattern of the very narrowest and worst elements in the Phariasaism which he expressly came to supersede.

In two centuries, three, no matter, this mischief-making, unconforming breed will be extinct.

Much of it would concern the Hetero-sphere, where unregistered facilities and unconforming lives were many.

Much of it would concern the Hetero-sphere, where unregistered facilities and unconforming lives were many .